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International Conference on Smart Technology, Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICSTEEE)

Description: The primary objective of the International Conference on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICSTEEE) is to create an exceptional platform that enables participants from around the globe to personally share their ideas and experiences with their peers. With individuals expected to attend from various parts of the world, this conference aims to foster international collaboration and exchange. By providing a world-class environment, ICSTEEE seeks to facilitate the establishment of research or business relationships, as well as the formation of international linkages for future collaborations in participants’ respective career paths.

This gathering serves as an opportunity for delegates to engage in fruitful discussions, enabling them to gain valuable insights and perspectives in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and electrical and electronics engineering. By bringing together experts, researchers, and professionals from diverse backgrounds, ICSTEEE strives to create a dynamic and interactive environment where innovative ideas can flourish. Through engaging presentations, interactive sessions, and networking opportunities, the conference aims to foster an atmosphere of intellectual exchange, paving the way for the development of groundbreaking contributions to the existing knowledge base.

The outcomes of ICSTEEE are anticipated to have a profound impact on the advancement of these contemporary scientific disciplines. By encouraging participants to share their research findings, technological advancements, and practical experiences, the conference aims to contribute significantly to the knowledge base in these fields. The diverse perspectives and ideas shared during ICSTEEE have the potential to inspire new research directions, uncover novel solutions to existing challenges, and drive innovation in science, technology, engineering, and electrical and electronics engineering. It is through this collaborative effort and exchange of knowledge that ICSTEEE strives to make a lasting impact on the global scientific community and shape the future of these ever-evolving fields.

For joining the conference refer to the given information. 

Deadline for Abstracts: 19th May 2023
Event Date: 03rd June 2023

Event Enquiry Email Address :info.irfconference@gmail.com

Organized By: IRF

Venue: Chennai, India

Find more details here: http://irfconference.org/Conference/19440/ICSTEEE/