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Exploring the Horizons: International Conference on Recent Trends in Commerce, Management, Science, and Engineering (ICCMSE) 2023

The International Conference on Recent Trends in Commerce, Management, Science, and Engineering (ICCMSE) 2023, jointly organized by Maharani Cluster University (MCU) and RSP Conference Hub, promises to be a multi-disciplinary extravaganza. As we embark on this journey of knowledge and innovation, this blog post will serve as a comprehensive guide to the event, covering everything from the event details to the perks for participants and the distinguished keynote speaker. In the vibrant city of Bengaluru, Karnataka, a groundbreaking event is set to unfold, bringing together the best minds in commerce, management, science, and engineering.

About ICCMSE 2023

Hosts: MCU and RSP Conference Hub

The event is a collaborative effort between two esteemed institutions – Maharani Cluster University (MCU) in Bengaluru, Karnataka, and RSP Conference Hub in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. This joint initiative underscores the commitment of these institutions to foster academic exchange and create a platform for the exploration of recent trends in commerce, management, science, and engineering.

Conference Dates and Venue

Mark your calendars for the 25th and 26th of November 2023. The conference will unfold in the tech hub of India – Bengaluru, Karnataka. The chosen venue, Maharani Cluster University, provides an ideal backdrop for intellectual discussions and knowledge sharing.

Mode of Conduction: Hybrid Extravaganza

In a nod to the changing times and the importance of accessibility, ICCMSE 2023 is set to be a hybrid event. Participants can choose to attend either offline at KCT Tech Park in Coimbatore or virtually through Google Meet. This hybrid model ensures that geographical constraints are no barrier to participation, promoting inclusivity and global collaboration.

Event Structure and Highlights

Technical Paper Presentation

At the heart of ICCMSE 2023 is the opportunity for participants to present their technical papers. The conference invites contributions on a wide array of topics falling under the umbrella of recent trends in arts, commerce, management, science, and engineering. This inclusivity ensures a diverse and enriching exchange of ideas.

Publication Opportunities

Selected papers will have the prestigious honor of being published in the AIP Conference Proceedings, with suitable departments including Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, and Computer Science and Engineering. This recognition not only adds credibility to the research presented but also contributes to the wider academic community.

For the remaining papers, there is no compromise on visibility. They will find a place in Google Scholar indexed and other Scopus and SCI Journals. This approach caters to the varied nature of research presented at ICCMSE 2023, ensuring that every contribution, regardless of the department, gets its due recognition.

Registration Details

The deadline for registration is the 19th of November 2023. To secure your spot, head to tinyurl.com/ICCMSE23 for abstract and full paper registration. The mode of conduction (hybrid offline and online) adds flexibility, allowing participants to choose the format that suits them best.

WhatsApp Group

Staying connected is paramount in the digital age. The conference organizers have set up a dedicated WhatsApp group for participants. This group serves as a virtual space for announcements, discussions, and networking opportunities. Join the group at https://chat.whatsapp.com/JVoVMGGjn6JIUGuiJi6ZK4 to be a part of the vibrant ICCMSE community.

Perks and Benefits for Participants

Recognition for Best Presentations

The conference recognizes and rewards excellence. Best presentations are acknowledged in various categories, including undergraduate and postgraduate students, research scholars, academicians, and industry professionals. This approach ensures that contributions from all sectors of the academic and professional community are celebrated.

Publication Opportunities and Certificates

For authors, ICCMSE 2023 is not just a platform for presentation but also a gateway to publication. All accepted papers will be published in international journals indexed in CROSSREF, complete with eISSN and DOI numbers. Abstracts will be immortalized in the conference proceedings with ISBN numbers. Individual conference presentation and publication e-certificates further add to the tangible benefits for participants.

Event Theme and Keynote Speaker

Multi-Disciplinary Exploration

ICCMSE 2023 prides itself on being a multi-disciplinary international conference. This theme reflects the interconnected nature of the fields of commerce, management, science, and engineering. The event aims to break down silos, fostering collaboration and cross-pollination of ideas across diverse disciplines.

Keynote Address by Dr. ANDI ASRIFAN

The event is honored to host Dr. ANDI ASRIFAN as the keynote speaker. Dr. ASRIFAN is associated with the Faculty of Teachers Training and Education at Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidenreng Rappang (UMS Rappang) in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. His expertise in Differentiated Instruction and Students’ Success adds a valuable dimension to the conference, setting the stage for insightful discussions and thought-provoking sessions.

Preparation Tips for Participants

Understanding the Agenda

Participants are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the conference agenda. Knowing the schedule and topics to be covered on each day allows for better preparation, ensuring active participation and engagement with the content.

Setting Up Virtual Learning Environment

For those opting for online participation, having a stable internet connection, access to required software, and a conducive learning environment is crucial. Adequate preparation in terms of technology will contribute to a seamless and uninterrupted learning experience.

Engaging Actively

Active participation is key to deriving maximum value from the conference. Participants are urged to actively engage in discussions, ask questions, and collaborate with fellow attendees. The interactive nature of the conference allows for meaningful contributions from all, fostering a collaborative and enriching atmosphere.

Post-Event Opportunities

Continued Learning Resources

The learning doesn’t stop when the conference concludes. ICCMSE 2023 recognizes the importance of continued learning and provides resources for participants to delve deeper into the topics covered during the event. Recommended readings and additional online courses ensure that the knowledge gained at the conference serves as a foundation for ongoing education.

Community Engagement

Post-event, participants are encouraged to stay connected through various social media channels. Engaging in discussions, sharing insights, and participating in post-event webinars or forums further extends the sense of community and allows for continued networking.

In conclusion, the International Conference on Recent Trends in Commerce, Management, Science, and Engineering (ICCMSE) 2023 is not just an event; it’s an intellectual journey. From the collaborative efforts of MCU and RSP Conference Hub to the hybrid format, publication opportunities, and the esteemed keynote speaker, every aspect of ICCMSE 2023 is designed to elevate the participant experience. As we look forward to the convergence of minds on the 25th and 26th of November 2023, the anticipation is palpable. The conference isn’t just a moment in time; it’s a stepping stone toward a future where the boundaries between disciplines fade, and the collective pursuit of knowledge knows no limits. Get ready to embark on this journey of exploration, collaboration, and discovery at ICCMSE 2023.

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