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International Conference on Civil, Mechanical, Production and Industrial Engineering (ICMPIE)

Description: The International Conference on Multi-disciplinary Perspectives in Engineering (ICMPIE) is driven by the core objective of creating a premier platform for participants from around the globe to come together and personally exchange their ideas and experiences. 

The conference aims to bring together professionals and researchers from diverse backgrounds and geographical locations, facilitating a fruitful exchange of knowledge and insights. By fostering face-to-face interactions among peers, ICMPIE seeks to enable attendees to establish valuable research and business relationships while also facilitating the exploration of international linkages for future collaborations in their respective career paths. The anticipated outcome of ICMPIE is expected to make significant contributions to the existing knowledge base in the relevant scientific fields, ensuring that the conference remains abreast of the latest developments.

ICMPIE endeavors to transcend geographical barriers and create a dynamic environment for participants to engage in meaningful discussions, share their expertise, and learn from one another. By attracting a diverse range of professionals, the conference promotes cross-pollination of ideas and encourages interdisciplinary collaboration. 

Attendees will have the opportunity to present their research findings, showcase innovative solutions, and gain valuable feedback from their peers. 

Furthermore, ICMPIE serves as a platform for individuals to forge lasting connections and explore potential avenues for future partnerships on a global scale. By facilitating the exchange of knowledge and fostering international collaborations, ICMPIE aspires to leave a lasting impact on the advancement of the scientific fields encompassed within its scope.

For joining the conference refer to the given information. 

Deadline for Abstracts: 19th May 2023
Event Date: 03rd June 2023

Event Enquiry Email Address :info.irfconference@gmail.com

Organized By: IRF

Venue: Chennai, India

Find more details here: http://irfconference.org/Conference/19442/ICMPIE/