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ROAD-A-THON 2023, Sona College of Technology, Technical Event, Salem, Tamil Nadu, 14th July 2023

We are thrilled to share the exciting news that the Department of Civil Engineering at Sona College of Technology in Salem, in collaboration with the Salem City Police, is hosting a remarkable event called “ROAD-A-THON – 2023” exclusively for roads in Salem. This mega event will take place on Friday, July 14th, 2023, at 9:00 am in the prestigious PG Auditorium at Sona College of Technology in Salem.

The primary objective of this event is to bring together engineering college students from across Tamil Nadu to engage in discussions and presentations related to the theme of road infrastructure. The attached brochure provides details about the various themes for presentations that participants can choose from. This event offers an excellent opportunity for students to showcase their knowledge, expertise, and innovative ideas in the field of civil engineering.

The collaboration between the Department of Civil Engineering and the Salem City Police highlights the importance of a strong partnership between academia and the government in addressing the challenges and opportunities in the development and maintenance of road infrastructure. By organizing this event, the organizers aim to promote awareness, knowledge sharing, and collaboration among students, professionals, and experts in the field.

This event is open to all engineering college students in Tamil Nadu, emphasizing inclusivity and the desire to encourage participation from a diverse range of students. Attending the ROAD-A-THON – 2023 provides a platform for students to enhance their understanding of road infrastructure, learn from industry experts, and network with peers from different institutions.

The Department of Civil Engineering, Sona College of Technology, and the Salem City Police are committed to organizing a successful and impactful event that fosters the exchange of ideas, promotes innovation, and contributes to the advancement of road infrastructure in Salem. We encourage all interested engineering college students to mark their calendars for July 14th, 2023, and actively participate in this enriching event that promises to be both informative and inspiring.

Contact Details

Contact :

Dr. MNA.Gulshan Taj – 9894281580 ,

Dr.B.Prabu – 9952290009 , prabu99522@gmail.com

Dr.A.Shalini – 9566979787 , shalini.me19@gmail.com

Student Coordinator

Gowshik.G.K: 9629692714

R.Vignesh: 9025855349

How to reach Sona College of Technology, Salem

Sona College of Technology, Junction Main Road, Salem – 636 005, Tamil Nadu, India.

Certificates will be provided to Winners