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Mumbai University Grants Engineering Students a Lifeline with Extended Carry-On Facility

In a significant one-time relief measure, Mumbai University has decided to offer an extended carry-on facility to engineering students grappling with multiple backlogs from previous semesters. This exceptional move comes as a sigh of relief for those who have been carrying the tag of ATKTs (allowed to keep term) in their first and second years of study, as it allows them to proceed with their education by granting admission to semesters V and VI. However, there’s a catch—students must buckle down and clear their lingering backlogs in the upcoming winter session exams.

The university recently issued a circular outlining this special concession, emphasizing that it should be viewed as a temporary remedy. The condition is crystal clear: to move on to the next semester, students must successfully navigate the obstacle course of their previous backlogs. This directive from the university underscores the importance of maintaining academic rigour and ensuring that students are adequately prepared for the challenges of advanced coursework.

This decision to extend the carry-on facility is a direct response to the persistent demands of students, who began clamouring for such a provision back in September. They raised valid concerns regarding delayed admissions and results, with some results being postponed by an astonishing 150 days. It is worth noting that the 2022-23 batch experienced a tumultuous journey, and abruptly transitioned from two years of virtual education to the physical examination format. The university’s response to their plight reflects a desire to strike a balance between accommodating these unique circumstances and upholding academic standards.

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