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European Union Awards Priyadarshini College of Engineering a Cybersecurity Project

A team of experts hailing from six different countries is collaborating on the CS4ALL project, spanning both European and Asian regions. The participating nations include Spain, Cyprus, Croatia, Indonesia, Nepal, and India. Dr. Vivek Nanoti, who holds the position of Director of Engineering at LTJSS, has assumed the role of overseeing the project.

As per Dr. Nanoti’s statement, as reported by “The Hitavada,” PCE (Presumably an educational institution) has taken on the vital mission of promoting cyber security awareness among the general populace. Notably, more than 32,000 schoolchildren have already benefited from special educational sessions organized by PCE students. These sessions were designed and conducted in collaboration with the Quick Heal Foundation. The ambitious objective for the current year is to extend this training to a significant number, aiming to empower one lakh (100,000) students with essential cybersecurity knowledge and skills.

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