International Conference On Science, Engineering And Technology

Aim Of The Conference: International Conference On Science, Engineering And Technology welcomes professionals, experts, researchers and students from the world to discuss trending topics and indulge in high-level discussions. These conferences will help you create networks, meet professionals and present your ideas.

So, gear up as this is a golden opportunity to attend meetings on Aerospace and Automotive Engineering Biological and Chemical Engineering Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering Computational Intelligence Computer Engineering and Information Technology Control and Automation Engineering Education Technology which will be very interesting and boost your career.

ISER constantly aims to present techniques, skills, and the latest information in various fields like science, technology, medical sciences, environment, education, business, banking, finance, languages, history, and much more.

It helps participants to explore speaking opportunities, present their unique ideas and create significant connections. You can participate in the groundbreaking discussion, which welcomes active participation and benefits the field and humankind. So, enhance your personal and professional journey by attending the upcoming event.

All the successfully submitted papers will be assessed by the Program Chair, who will initiate the peer review process. Then, the Program Chair will designate at least two suitable technical committee members (Reviewers) with ample field knowledge. After a thorough review, the comments will be submitted to the Program Chair personnel, who will make the final decision about submitting the paper.


Finally, the conference secretary will inform the concerned authors about the decision. The papers which are not accepted will be sent back for revision, and those that pass the second review will be accepted.

Starting Date: 04th March 2023

Contact Person: George Mathew (India)

Organized By: ISER

Event Inquiries Email Address:

Deadline For Abstracts: 28th Feb 2023

Venue: Sambalpur, India