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International Conference on Recent Advances in Science, Technology & Engineering (ICRASTE)


ICRASTE, the International Conference on Research and Advanced Science and Technology Exchange, is an exciting event that brings together participants from around the world. The primary goal of ICRASTE is to provide a platform for individuals to share their ideas, experiences, and expertise in person with their peers. By facilitating this exchange of knowledge, ICRASTE aims to contribute to the advancement of scientific fields within its scope.

One of the key advantages of ICRASTE is the opportunity it offers for global participants to connect with others from different parts of the world. This international gathering serves as a melting pot of ideas, fostering cross-cultural collaboration and learning. Attendees can engage in meaningful discussions, gain insights from diverse perspectives, and develop a broader understanding of their respective fields.

Furthermore, ICRASTE serves as a catalyst for establishing research or business relations. Participants have the chance to network with professionals, scholars, and industry experts who share their interests. Through these interactions, they can build valuable connections that may lead to future collaborations. Whether it’s forging partnerships for joint research projects or exploring business opportunities, ICRASTE provides a platform for individuals to expand their professional networks.

For joining the conference refer to the given information. 

Deadline for Abstracts: 16th May 2023

Event Date: 31st May 2023

Event Enquiry Email Adress:papers.academicsconference@gmail.com

Organized By: ACN 

Venue: Mumbai, India

Find more details here: http://academicsconference.com/Conference/31474/ICRASTE/