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International Conference on Recent Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology (ICRASET)

The objective of the conference is to serve as a platform for the exchange of ideas and developments in the broad spectrum of Advances in Science, Engineering, and Technology. By bringing together experts and researchers from diverse areas, the conference facilitates face-to-face interactions that allow delegates to share new ideas and experiences in practical applications. It also creates opportunities to establish business and research relationships, as well as find global partners for future collaborations. The organizers aspire for the conference outcomes to make a significant contribution to the knowledge and advancements within these contemporary scientific fields.

The organizing committee is pleased to extend an invitation to prospective authors to submit their original manuscripts to the International Conference on Advances in Science, Engineering, and Technology (ICRASET). This call for papers aims to attract researchers and professionals who are eager to present their original work at the conference. By submitting their manuscripts, authors gain the opportunity to present their research to a diverse audience and gain recognition in their respective fields. Furthermore, the conference serves as a networking platform, enabling participants to build connections and explore potential collaborations with experts and researchers from around the world.

By encouraging the submission of original manuscripts, the committee ensures that the conference program includes cutting-edge research and the latest advancements. The committee anticipates that the conference will play a pivotal role in disseminating knowledge and fostering the exchange of ideas, thereby promoting the development of new insights and approaches within these dynamic scientific domains. Overall, the committee is enthusiastic to receive submissions and looks forward to hosting a successful conference that will benefit the broader scientific community.

The conference provides a platform for delegates from various fields to engage in face-to-face interactions, exchange new ideas and application experiences, and establish business or research relationships. It is the hope of the organizing committee that the conference outcomes will significantly contribute to the knowledge and progress in these contemporary scientific fields. Prospective authors are invited to submit their original manuscripts to ICRASET, as this call for papers seeks to attract researchers and professionals who are eager to present their work, gain recognition, and explore potential collaborations within these vibrant scientific domains.

  • Conference Organized By: Iistem
  • Conference Contact Person: Conference coordinator
  • Conference Inquiry Email ID: papers.iistem@gmail.com
  • Important Dates
  • Deadline For Submission / Apply: 2023-07-27
  • Conference Start Date: 2023-08-11
  • Conference End Date: 2023-08-11
  • Conference Website: http://iistem.org/Conference/14606/ICRASET/
  • Event Status: Accept