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International Conference on Nanotechnology, Renewable Materials Engineering & Environmental Engineering

Aim Of The Conference:

the purpose and goals of the International Conference on Nanotechnology, Renewable Materials Engineering & Environmental Engineering. The conference provides a platform for researchers, engineers, and academicians to exchange their ideas and research concepts in order to innovate new and relevant technologies in the field. The organizers hope that this conference will become a strong community for engineers, scholars, academicians, industrialists, and students worldwide.

The ICNRMEEE Program Committee invites students, teachers, professors, scientists, engineers, and entrepreneurs to send their original, unpublished research works to the conference. Manuscripts should be up to eight pages and in standard IEEE two-column format. Authors should explain the significance of their work, highlight novel features, and describe its current status. All papers will be accepted through online submission only.

Contributory papers presented in the technical sessions will be published in the conference proceedings with an ISBN, and extended papers will be published in UGC-approved international journals with good indexing and impact factor. Registered papers will be submitted for inclusion in Digitalxplore and Google Scholar.

Prospective authors are kindly invited to submit full-text papers including results, tables, figures, and references through the electronic submission system. The submitted articles should report original, previously unpublished research results, experimental or theoretical. Manuscripts should follow the style of the conference and are subject to both review and editing.

Finally, all registered conference papers will be published in conference proceedings with an ISBN number, and the extended versions of the papers will be published in related reputed Scopus/SCI/WoS/UGC Care Listed international journals. The conference is associated with UGC Care listed Indexed International journals.

Starting Date:  03rd Jun 2023

Ending Date:  04th Jun 2023

Deadline for abstracts:23rd May 2023

Event Enquiry Email Address: papers.iefo@gmail.com

Contact Number: +91 8280047516

Organized By: Ieeforum

Venue: Mysuru, India