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International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data Analytics and Information Technology (ICITBDIT)


ICITBDIT – 2019 aims to create an exceptional platform where participants from around the globe can come together and exchange their ideas and experiences face-to-face. It is an opportunity for professionals from various parts of the world to connect with their peers and establish valuable research or business relationships. The conference endeavors to foster international collaborations that can shape the participants’ future career paths. Furthermore, it is anticipated that the outcomes of ICITBDIT – 2019 will make substantial contributions to the existing knowledge base in the contemporary scientific fields encompassed by the conference.

The primary objective of ICITBDIT – 2019 is to provide a top-notch forum that enables global participants to personally engage with one another and share their thoughts and insights. Attendees from different corners of the world will have the chance to interact, fostering the exchange of valuable ideas and experiences. Moreover, this gathering will facilitate the establishment of professional connections and networking opportunities, leading to potential international partnerships for future collaborations in their respective fields. It is anticipated that the outcomes of ICITBDIT – 2019 will make significant advancements in the current state of knowledge within the relevant scientific domains.

ICITBDIT – 2019 endeavors to create an exceptional global platform where participants can come together and engage in meaningful discussions. By providing a face-to-face setting, this conference allows professionals to exchange their innovative ideas and experiences with peers from diverse backgrounds. 

In addition to promoting knowledge sharing, ICITBDIT – 2019 offers a unique opportunity for delegates to build research or business relations. By connecting with professionals from around the world, participants can establish international linkages that may pave the way for future collaborations in their career paths. Ultimately, the conference aims to make notable contributions to the knowledge base in the contemporary scientific fields covered by the event, thus advancing the understanding and application of these subjects.

For joining the conference refer to the given information. 

Deadline for Abstracts: 02nd July 2023

Event Date: 17th July 2023

Event Enquiry Email Address: info.irfconference@gmail.com

Organized By: IRF

Venue: Kota, India

Find more details here: http://irfconference.org/Conference/19695/ICITBDIT/