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International Conference on Industrial, Production & Systems Engineering (ICIPSE)


The International Conference on Industrial, Production & Systems Engineering (ICIPSE) aims to establish a world-class platform for scientists to present and discuss the latest research and advancements in the field. By bringing together experts from various areas, the conference fosters the exchange of new ideas and practical experiences, creating opportunities for delegates to build business or research relationships and seek global partners for future collaborations. The ultimate goal is to contribute significantly to the knowledge in these rapidly evolving scientific disciplines.

ICIPSE offers a unique opportunity for researchers, academics, and industry professionals to come together and share their insights and findings. Through interactive discussions, paper presentations, and networking sessions, participants can delve into the diverse realms of Industrial, Production & Systems Engineering, explore emerging trends, and exchange valuable knowledge. This conference series will be an annual event, ensuring a recurring platform that enables individuals to express their viewpoints, showcase their experiences, and contribute to the advancement of Computer Science and Information Technology.

Prospective authors are invited by the organizing committee to submit their original manuscripts to ICIPSE. By encouraging researchers to share their innovative work, the conference seeks to facilitate the dissemination of cutting-edge ideas and discoveries. The submitted manuscripts will undergo a rigorous review process, ensuring the highest quality of accepted papers. By nurturing a collaborative environment, ICIPSE strives to foster creativity, inspire new research directions, and promote interdisciplinary collaborations among participants.

For joining the conference refer to the given information. 

Deadline for Abstracts: 16th May 2023

Event Date: 01st June 2023

Event Enquiry Email Addres:papers.iraj@gmail.com

Organized By: IRAJ | Institute of Research and Journals.

Venue: Pune, India

Find more details here: http://iraj.in/Conference/12368/ICIPSE/