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International Conference on Agriculture, forestry, Biotechnology and Food Science (ICAFBFS)

ICAFBFS (International Conference on Advances in Food, Beverage, and Functional Safety) aims to create a dynamic platform for global participants to come together and engage in meaningful exchanges of ideas and experiences. By organizing this conference, the intention is to facilitate in-person interactions among individuals from diverse regions worldwide. This direct interaction enables participants to share their knowledge and expertise, fostering a collaborative environment that promotes the advancement of the fields within the scope of food, beverage, and functional safety.

One of the primary benefits of ICAFBFS is its potential to foster the establishment of research or business relationships. The conference provides a conducive setting for professionals, researchers, and industry experts to connect with like-minded individuals who share a passion for advancements in food, beverage, and functional safety. By engaging in face-to-face discussions and networking, delegates have the opportunity to form valuable partnerships that can lead to joint research endeavors or business collaborations. These relationships can be instrumental in shaping the future career paths of the participants and facilitating international linkages.

Moreover, ICAFBFS serves as a platform for finding international linkages. Participants can interact with experts and professionals from different parts of the world, gaining exposure to diverse perspectives and approaches in the field of food, beverage, and functional safety. This exposure allows delegates to identify potential international collaborators, institutions, or organizations that align with their research or business objectives. By establishing these linkages, participants can pave the way for future collaborations, knowledge exchange, and the transfer of best practices in their respective fields.

The organizers of ICAFBFS hold the expectation that the outcomes of the conference will make significant contributions to the knowledge base in the up-to-date scientific fields within its scope. By bringing together experts and researchers, the conference provides a platform for the dissemination of research findings, innovative methodologies, and emerging trends. The sharing of knowledge and experiences among the participants has the potential to generate new insights, advancements, and solutions to challenges in the areas of food, beverage, and functional safety. Ultimately, these contributions aim to enhance the understanding and practices within the scientific community, promoting the overall development of these fields on a global scale.

  • Conference Organized By: Scienceglobe
  • Conference Contact Person: Conference coordinator
  • Conference Inquiry Email ID: papers.scienceglobe@gmail.com
  • Important Dates
  • Deadline For Submission / Apply: 2023-07-26
  • Conference Start Date: 2023-08-10
  • Conference End Date: 2023-08-10
  • Conference Website: http://scienceglobe.org/Conference/14685/ICAFBFS/
  • Event Status: Accept