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International Conference on Advances in Mathematics, Physics and Applied Science (ICAMPA)


ICAMPA aims to create a world-class platform where scientists can present and discuss the latest research and findings in the fields of Mathematics, Physics, and Applied Science. This conference offers an invaluable opportunity for delegates from various areas to engage in face-to-face interactions, exchange new ideas and experiences, foster business or research relationships, and seek global partners for future collaborations. The ultimate goal is to contribute significantly to the existing knowledge in these cutting-edge scientific disciplines.

The organizing committee is delighted to extend an invitation to prospective authors to submit their original manuscripts to ICAMPA 2019. The conference will be conducted annually, with the intention of providing an ideal platform for individuals to share their views and experiences specifically in the domains of Computer Science and Information Technology. By encouraging the dissemination of innovative research, ICAMPA strives to facilitate the advancement and application of knowledge in these related fields.

Overall, ICAMPA endeavors to bring together scientists, researchers, and professionals to foster intellectual discussions, showcase groundbreaking research outcomes, and promote interdisciplinary collaborations. By providing a premier stage for scientific exchange, ICAMPA aims to propel advancements and enhance understanding in Mathematics, Physics, Applied Science, Computer Science, and Information Technology.

For joining the conference refer to the given information. 

Deadline for Abstracts: 16th May 2023

Event Date: 01st June 2023

Event Enquiry Email Addres:papers.iraj@gmail.com

Organized By: IRAJ | Institute of Research and Journals.

Venue: Pune, India

Find more details here: http://iraj.in/Conference/12373/ICAMPA/