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ACADEMICSERA- 1384th Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering 

Aim Of The Conference:

International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering is to bring together innovative academics and industrial experts in the field of Civil and Environmental Engineering to a common forum. All the registered papers will be published by the World Research Library and will be submitted for review for indexing by Google Scholar etc.

This Conference is sponsored by many International institutes. The conference would offer many invited lectures from renowned speakers all over the country. The Best paper awards will be given to the papers judged to make the most significant contribution to the conference.

All submissions to the conference will be reviewed by at least two independent peers for technical merit and content. It is anticipated that a broad range of research and applied topics will be covered during the conference.

The Academicsera. Academicsera is formed to carry on the business of promoting, forming, developing, and organizing associations and networks of Chemical, Petroleum, Physics, Biology, Civil, Mechanical, Medical, Dental, Computer, Electronics, Electrical, Management, Biomedical, Bioinformatics, Bio-Technology, Aeronautical, Textile, Environmental and all related Doctors, Engineers, and Professionals who are in the field of innovation; and to conduct, promote and organize Meetings, Conference, Discussions, Seminars, Workshops, Study tours, Industry visits; and to publish professional Journals, Magazines, and Newsletters; and to carry on research and development on the above fields; and to design, develop, market, purchase, sell, import and export any products or materials of any above Medical, Science, and Engineering field.

Academicsera welcomes all Doctors, Scientists, Engineers Professionals, Researchers, Scholars, and Medical and Health, Technical Engineering Colleges and Universities to join us to exchange information and ideas; in according with our objective to facilitate this, we call upon you to network with us. 

They bring together Researchers, Doctors, Scientists, Engineers, Scholars, and Students in the areas of Medical, Dental, Engineering, and Technology, and provide a forum for the dissemination of original research results, new ideas, Research and development, practical experiments, which concentrate on both theory and practices. and also to Encourage and assist the professionals engaged in the above fields to maintain the integrity and competence of the profession and Foster a sense of partnership amongst the professionals, engaged in these fields. To foster and conduct collaborative interdisciplinary research in state-of-the-art methodologies and technologies within its areas of expertise.

The papers will be published in hardcopy of the Conference Proceedings (available online and print) with ISBN number and the same will be provided at the time of the conference. Later, the Proceedings shall be submitted to major Indexing like ISI Thomson/SCOPUS, Google Scholar, etc. (* Cond. Applied) for review and possible indexing. In addition, the Online proceedings will be indexed at Google and Google Scholar and all major search engines.

Starting Date:  29th May 2023

Ending Date: 30th May 2023

Deadline for abstracts:16th May 2023

Event Enquiry Email Address: info@academicsera.com

Contact Number: +91 9692200892

Organized By: AcademicSera