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West Bengal Government to Establish New Fee Structure for Private Engineering Colleges

The West Bengal education department is taking significant steps to regulate the fee structure of self-finance private engineering colleges within the state. Under these new guidelines, no private engineering institution will be permitted to levy annual tuition fees exceeding Rs 1.10 lakh. Moreover, the development fees imposed by these institutions must not surpass 15 per cent of the tuition fees, as stated by insiders within the state’s education department.

Simultaneously, various one-time fees demanded by these private engineering colleges will be subject to a predetermined limit. For instance, the one-time admission fee has been fixed at Rs 10,000. Additionally, library-related fees should not exceed Rs 6,000, and this fee is also a one-time payment. Similarly, the one-time student welfare fee should not surpass Rs 1,000.

In the case of private engineering colleges that have been granted “autonomous” status by the relevant accreditation agency, there is a provision to charge an additional 10 percent in tuition fees, according to the newly established structure. However, it’s crucial to note that this 10 percent additional fee can only be levied once during the entire course period.

These revised fee structures are intended to be applied to both the four-year Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) and five-year Bachelor of pharmacy (B.Pharm) programs. These measures represent a significant shift in the regulation of private engineering college fees within West Bengal, ensuring greater affordability and transparency for students and their families.

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