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WEB (Website) Development Workshop 2023, Top Engineers

The WEB (Website) Development Workshop 2023 is an upcoming event that is set to take place on the 19th of November, 2023, in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. The event focuses on providing participants with valuable insights and hands-on experience in web development, covering various aspects of web technology, including HTML, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery, and more. This workshop is organized by Top Engineers in association with Mechanica’23 IIT-Madras, a start-up founded by alumni of the prestigious institutions of MIT and Anna University. Top Engineers is recognized as a leading educational service conducting firm in India, specializing in hosting technical workshops for students since 2013.

The event consists of several key components that will enhance the participants’ knowledge and skills in web development. These components are divided into sessions that will be conducted during the workshop:

  1. Basics of HTML: The workshop will begin with an introduction to HTML, the fundamental language for creating web pages. Participants will learn how to structure web content and create basic web pages using HTML.
  2. What is Bootstrap (Design for HTML Page): Bootstrap, a popular front-end framework, will be introduced to participants. Bootstrap simplifies web design and provides a variety of pre-designed components to enhance the appearance of HTML pages.
  3. What is JavaScript & jQuery (Action Items in Website Like “Click,” “Hide,” “Show,” etc.): JavaScript and jQuery, two essential components of web development, will be covered. Participants will understand how to use these scripting languages to add interactivity and dynamic behavior to web pages.
  4. What is HTML Class and ID and How We Can Use Them in Bootstrap & jQuery: This session will delve into the use of HTML classes and IDs and their significance in web development. Participants will learn how to leverage them in combination with Bootstrap and jQuery.
  5. Integrating Bootstrap in the Website: The process of integrating Bootstrap into web development projects will be explained. This integration will help participants create responsive and visually appealing web pages.
  6. Integrating jQuery in the Website: The workshop will also cover the integration of jQuery, a powerful JavaScript library, into websites. Participants will discover how to enhance user experiences with jQuery.
  7. Play Around Different Bootstrap Style and jQuery Actions in the Website: This session encourages participants to experiment with various Bootstrap styles and jQuery actions, allowing them to explore and customize web design and functionality.
  8. Basics About Form Creation in the HTML Website with Bootstrap and jQuery: Creating web forms using HTML, Bootstrap, and jQuery will be discussed. This knowledge is crucial for building interactive web applications and collecting user data.

The workshop is designed to be a hands-on experience, and participants are required to bring their laptops, as programming and practical exercises are an integral part of the learning process.

The event is organized by Top Engineers in collaboration with Mechanica’23 IIT-Madras, a startup established by alumni from MIT and Anna University. Top Engineers is a well-known educational service conducting firm in India, specializing in hosting technical workshops for students. The organization has been contributing to students’ technical education since 2013.

The workshop does not provide accommodation, and participants are responsible for arranging their own lodging during the event.

For inquiries and registration, individuals can contact the organizers at the following phone numbers: 9840728806 and 09940322437. Alternatively, they can email at admin@topengineersindia.com. Additional information and updates can be found on the event’s official website: https://www.topengineersindia.com.

Participants can also stay updated on the latest event information through various social media channels, including Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube, as well as via a dedicated Telegram channel.

The registration deadline for this event is set for the 18th of November, 2023, and registration fees are as follows:

  • INR 999/- per person for participants in India, which includes GST, a notepad, a pen, a certificate, morning tea, and lunch (only vegetarian).
  • $100 USD for participants from other countries.

The organizers offer group discounts for those who register in groups, with a 5% discount for groups of 5 or more and a 10% discount for groups of 10 or more.

A noteworthy highlight of this workshop is that students who attend any three workshops organized by Top Engineers are eligible to attend the fourth workshop free of charge.

Registration for the workshop will close either when all available seats are filled or two days prior to the event, so participants are encouraged to register early to secure their spot.

One of the unique features of this workshop is that it offers a certificate from Top Engineers in association with Mechanica’23 IIT-Madras. The certificate, which is ISO certified and includes a hologram sticker, can be a valuable asset during job placements.

The event is scheduled to be held at the IIT Madras Research Park, located at No. 32, Kanagam Rd, Kanagam Periyar Nagar, Taramani, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600113. Participants can find the location on Google Maps using the following link: https://goo.gl/maps/aEvup6M9nE7W739A7.

It’s important to note that IIT Madras Research Park is the venue for the event, but the workshop itself is organized by Top Engineers.

The workshop has certain terms and conditions, including:

  • The workshop is exclusively for students, and professionals, experts, and faculty members are not allowed to participate.
  • The workshop is conducted by Top Engineers, and not by IIT Madras Research Park or IIT Madras.
  • Certificates will be issued only by Top Engineers at the end of the workshop.
  • Workshop sessions will be led by officials from Top Engineers and its associates.
  • The workshop is open to students from various engineering disciplines, as well as arts and science backgrounds.
  • Only registered participants are allowed to attend the workshop, and no on-the-spot payments will be accepted.
  • The workshop is a full-day event, with session timings from 9.30 AM to 4.30 PM, including a lunch break from 12.30 noon to 1.00 PM.
  • Participants are required to bring their own laptops with full power backup, as well as other essential items like a pen drive and data card or a mobile device with internet connectivity.
  • Latecomers will not be accommodated, and the workshop does not provide accommodation or specify a particular dress code.
  • Vegetarian lunch and tea will be provided to participants.
  • The workshop’s structure combines 50% theory and 50% practical exercises, with no competition at the end of the workshop.
  • Workshop kits are not provided for participants to take home and should be returned at the end of the session.
  • Registration fees are non-refundable, non-transferable, and non-extendable.
  • In the event of a cancellation by the organizers, participants may have the option to attend another workshop or request a refund.
  • The organizers reserve the right to alter the order of sessions and venues as needed.
  • If a participant is found to be misbehaving or showing misconduct, their participation may be canceled.

In conclusion, the WEB (Website) Development Workshop 2023 is an exciting educational opportunity for students in the field of web development. It promises to offer valuable knowledge and practical experience in web technologies, making it a worthwhile investment for those looking to enhance their skills in this domain. Participants are encouraged to register early to secure their

spots, as the workshop has limited seats, and it provides a chance to learn from experts in the field and receive a valuable certificate that can benefit them in their future careers.