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The experimental observation of quantum avalanches in a many-body localized system

Strongly correlated systems are captivating areas of study in physics due to their complex behaviour that arises from the interactions between individual particles. The behaviour of such systems can be counterintuitive and challenging to understand, particularly when they are far from equilibrium. However, these systems can exhibit remarkable emergent phenomena that have important implications for a range of applications, from quantum computing to materials science. Many-body localization, for instance, is a fascinating phenomenon that arises in certain strongly correlated systems, where the system remains trapped in a disordered state, preventing thermalization even in the presence of strong interactions. Understanding such phenomena requires the development of advanced theoretical and computational methods, making strongly correlated systems a compelling and active research field in modern physics.

Many-body localization is a phenomenon that has been extensively studied in physics, as it challenges the conventional understanding of thermalization in strongly correlated systems. It occurs when a system fails to reach thermal equilibrium, leading to the persistence of non-equilibrium states. Despite its theoretical importance, the experimental observation of many-body localization has been elusive, making it a highly sought-after area of research.

Recent studies, such as the one conducted by researchers at Harvard University, have shed light on the underlying mechanisms of many-body localization, offering new insights into the behavior of strongly correlated systems. The study’s findings mark a significant step towards a better understanding of this phenomenon and its potential applications in quantum technology.

Theoretical predictions suggest that the instability of the many-body localized phase is due to small thermal inclusions that act as a bath, leading to the delocalization of the entire system through a mechanism called avalanche propagation. The experimental observation of this mechanism offers new opportunities for the exploration of many-body localization and its potential for quantum information storage.

The study’s findings could inform research and technology development, as understanding the mechanisms of localization has the potential to advance the development of quantum memories, a key component of quantum computing. Additionally, perfect localization challenges the conventional understanding of thermodynamics, making it an intriguing topic for researchers.

The study’s lead researcher, Julian Léonard, highlighted the significance of understanding localization, stating that it could inform the conditions under which certain materials become conductors or insulators. This highlights the potential of many-body localization research for materials science and its applications in technology.

Overall, the study’s results offer new insights into many-body localization and its underlying mechanisms, providing a promising avenue for further research into the behavior of strongly correlated systems.

“These so-called quantum memories are necessary for quantum computing and communication protocols,” Léonard said. “Several research groups, including ours, had previously seen that interacting particles can indeed localize, and there has been widespread consensus that this localization should prevail indefinitely. However, recently the robustness of localization has been debated, particularly what would happen if the disorder is a little bit weaker somewhere in the system. Could this be enough to destroy localization?”

The recent study by Léonard and his colleagues aimed to explore a key question in the field of many-body localization – the robustness of localization. The study sought to investigate the possibility of localization being destroyed under certain conditions, as predicted by past theoretical calculations.

In particular, theorists had predicted that in the presence of a weakly disordered region, particles could rapidly shift towards the strongly disordered part of the system, triggering delocalization. This phenomenon, referred to as a quantum avalanche, is a fascinating scenario that can be visualized as a wave of localized particles shifting towards the delocalized region, resulting in rapid acceleration and delocalization of the entire system, akin to an avalanche.

By experimentally observing the onset of quantum avalanches in a many-body localized system, the study shed light on the robustness of localization and provided insights into the underlying mechanisms of this phenomenon. The findings of the study have significant implications for the field of physics, particularly in advancing our understanding of quantum mechanics and its potential applications in quantum computing and materials science.

Overall, the study’s focus on investigating the robustness of localization and the possibility of quantum avalanches highlights the importance of exploring complex phenomena in physics to gain deeper insights into the behavior of strongly correlated systems.

“For us, the challenge was to realize such a system experimentally in the lab,” Léonard said. “To do this, we placed cold atoms in a potential that we built out of precisely shaped laser beams. One part of the potential was disordered, the other part was without disorder. We then waited to see how these two regions would interact over time, and measured how far the particles would spread. With cold atoms, this can be done extremely well by observing them with an optical microscope.”

Intriguingly, the study conducted by Léonard and his team revealed that the particles initially localized in the disordered region of the system. However, over time, particles from the non-disordered area started to spread into the disordered region at an increasing rate, confirming theoretical predictions of the onset of a quantum avalanche.

These observations suggest that the robustness of localization may have been overestimated in the past, and that under certain conditions, it may not persist for extended periods of time. The study’s findings also have significant implications for the field of materials science, as understanding the robustness of localization is crucial in developing materials with desirable electronic transport properties.

The success of this study in probing the onset of a quantum avalanche in an experimental setting is an exciting development, and is expected to inspire future research aimed at further understanding and exploring this phenomenon. New experiments could potentially shed light on the mechanisms underlying quantum avalanches and provide insights into the robustness of localization in strongly interacting many-body systems, opening up new avenues for research in the field of physics.

“Our experiments mark the discovery of quantum avalanches, but they are just the beginning of exploring their properties,” Léonard added. “Many questions remain open, particularly under which conditions these avalanches occur, how often they emerge, and whether there could be ways to stop their propagation. These factors will ultimately determine whether localiation is always unstable, or just for certain conditions. We are currently working on realizing systems with more atoms, where these questions could be studied in more detail.”

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