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SRKR College Set to Host Faculty Development Programme

The Computer Science and Design (CSD) department at SRKR Engineering College is gearing up to host a nationally renowned faculty development program centered around the theme of “Harnessing Design Thinking for Innovative Product Development.” Scheduled to take place from October 30 to November 4, this initiative was officially announced by the college principal, Dr. KV Murali Krishnam Raju.

In a recent gathering held on the college premises, the college director, Dr. M Jagapati Raju, unveiled the poster for the upcoming program, signifying the institution’s commitment to promoting innovation and excellence in education.

Dr. M Suresh Babu, the head of the CSD department, shared exciting news at the meeting, stating that SRKR Engineering College had been selected as one of the 300 colleges nationwide to receive faculty development funding out of a pool of 3,000 applicants. Notably, colleges from various states, including Maharashtra, Karnataka, and Tamil Nadu, have already registered to participate in this highly anticipated program. Furthermore, Dr. Babu disclosed that the Atal Academy had allocated a generous grant of Rs 3.5 lakh to facilitate the organization of this transformative event.

Taking the lead as the coordinator of the Faculty Development Programme will be Dr. Mudunuti Suresh Babu, with Dr. N Goapalakrishna Murthy serving as the co-coordinator. Their collective efforts aim to ensure that this event becomes a remarkable and insightful experience for educators and professionals from across the nation.

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