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NBA recognition: Vacant positions pose a challenge for technical institutions

Ahmedabad: The state technical education department has directed that a technical institution in Gujarat register with the National Tribunal of Accreditation so that overseas students might study here on exchange.

However, appropriate teaching personnel is one of the criteria for this certification. According to a source, 296 of the 534 class 1 teaching positions in the state are empty, which will be a huge challenge for colleges seeking NBA certification.

According to sources, 212 of the empty jobs may be filled if the technical department elevates assistant professors to professors. According to the source, from 2012 to 2015, the department did not advance the instructors, and these 212 qualified assistant professors have been waiting for promotions ever since. Some of them have even contacted the Supreme Court about this subject, but there has been no resolution.

According to sources, the commissioner of technical education has sought applications from government technical institutions for promotion on several occasions, but has never promoted or hired new professors to fill these empty positions.

According to reports, a group of government engineering college workers recently wrote to the chief minister urging that the government elevate qualified professors as soon as possible to fix this issue.

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