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International Conference on Robotics and Automation

Aim Of The Conference:

International Conference on Robotics and Automation conference encourages better comprehension of improvements and progressions over the world through worldwide conferences with the speed of science and technology. We work with our motto of creating a better tomorrow by organizing conferences and creating a network that will help grow a better tomorrow with the help of advanced technology and achieve sustainable development.

The goal of the conference is therefore to bring together international researchers from industry and academia, from authorities and other institutions, from all over the world, to convey information and share the latest developments across the immense and distinct fields of Robot and Human Interactive Communication. The event has the objective of creating an international forum for academics, researchers, and scientists from worldwide to discuss worldwide results and proposals regarding the soundest issues related to Robot and Human Interactive Communication. Everyone who explores to strengthen their knowledge and gain extended advanced technical cleverness is welcome to present/get new ideas.

ROBOTICS Forum is a not-for-profit professional association that prominently promotes research and development. We at ROBOTICS have brought a revolution in the field of Worldwide Conferences. The Forum is a global leader in producing high-quality conferences, meetings, workshops, and symposia in all major fields of science, technology, and medicine. Robotics Forum has been associated with national and international associations, corporations, and high-level individuals, dedicated to hosting world-class conferences and events.

ROBOTICS Forum conducts events worldwide that help in enhancing the skill set of people from diverse industries and also form a common platform for eminent personalities, physicians, researchers, doctors, academicians, professional’s business figures, and much more. ROBOTICS conference encourages better comprehension of improvements and progressions over the world through worldwide conferences with the speed of science and technology.
We work with our motto of creating a better tomorrow by organizing conferences and creating a network that will help grow a better tomorrow with the help of advanced technology and achieve sustainable development.

The abstract must be in English and it must be written in .doc or .docx format. The Abstract should be brief, indicating the purpose/significance of the research, and must be between 150-250 words. Complete sentences, active verbs, and the third person should be used. Within one week of receiving your proposal/abstract, we will send you an email notification of acceptance or rejection. Please download the Abstract Template.

Authors of accepted abstracts are required to prepare and submit their full paper for review. The full paper must be sent as a Word document and must have a minimum length of 4 pages and should not exceed 10 pages, including tables, figures, and references. All accepted papers will be peer-reviewed and must be original high-quality research that has not been previously published. The paper must be written in English in a clear and concise manner. Any author who is not fluent in English is encouraged to have their manuscript checked and edited by a native English speaker. The reviewing process does not include the correction of grammatical errors. Papers with a large number of grammatical and syntax errors may be rejected. Please download the Paper Template.

Note the Last date of Registration. If your paper got selected you must confirm the registration before the last date of registration. Your registration will not be considered after the last date of registration and no money will be refunded. Do check your registered mail ID and Mobile number regularly. Any conference notifications will be communicated through mail and Mobile only.

Starting Date:  01st May 2023

Ending Date: 02nd May 2023

Deadline for abstracts: 14th Apr 2023

Event Enquiry Email Address: info.roboticsforum@gmail.com

Contact Number: +91- 8895188971

Venue: Bengaluru, India