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International Conference on Big Data and Smart Computing

Aim Of The Conference:

International Conference on Big Data and Smart Computing is a prestigious event organized with the motivation to provide an excellent international platform for academicians, researchers, engineers, industrial participants, and budding students around the world to SHARE their research findings with global experts. (ICBDSC) 2023 will be held in Chandigarh, India on 04th Jun 2023.

The key intention of ICBDSC  is to provide an opportunity for the global participants to share their ideas and experience in person with their peers expected to join from different parts of the world. In addition, this gathering will help the delegates to establish research or business relations as well as to find international linkage for future collaborations in their career path. We hope that the ICBDSC  outcome will lead to significant contributions to the knowledge base in these up-to-date scientific fields in scope.

All registered conference papers will be published in the Conference proceedings (Having ISBN Number) and the extended versions of the papers will be published in related reputed Scopus/ SCI/WoS/UGC Care Listed international journals.

This conference is associated with UGC Care listed and SCOPUS indexed International journals.

ACN is a leading publisher of scientific research works in highly cited, highly indexed, and high-standard International Journals such as SCOPUS, SCI/ESCI, Web of Science, UGC, ADBC, etc.

Academics Conference Network-ACN is a Global platform that strives to connect researchers, academicians, scholars, and professionals from various fields to facilitate the exchange of knowledge, ideas, and experiences. Our goal is to provide a conducive environment for researchers to present their research work, discuss their findings, and learn from each other.

At Academics Conference Network, we believe that knowledge should be shared and disseminated to make a meaningful impact on society. Therefore, we organize conferences, workshops, and seminars on various topics to promote the dissemination of knowledge and encourage collaborative research. Our events are designed to provide a platform for researchers to present their research, network with peers and experts, and enhance their knowledge and skills.

Academics Conference Network organizes events on various topics, including but not limited to, engineering, science, technology, social sciences, humanities, and management. We have a rigorous selection process for our events, and all research papers are subject to blind peer review. Our review process ensures that we maintain high-quality standards and select the best papers for presentation.

The ACN can submit the extended version of registered conference papers to International journals (List-A and List-B) with a written request from the author. Cost of Publication in List-A Journal is Free (Only online Publication) for all ACN Registered Research Papers and authors need not pay if it’s got selected for the journal for online publication. The cost of Publication in List-B Journal is 50 USD to 400 USD per paper which will not be included in the ACN conference registration fees.

The tentative time period for Publication: For List-A Journal the duration of publication is 30 to 90 days after the day of the Conference. For List-B Journal the duration of publication is 30 to 120 days after the day of the conference (may exceed 6 months).

Starting Date: 04th June 2023

Deadline For Abstracts: 20th May 2023

Event Enquiry Email Address: papers.academicsconference@gmail.com

Contact Number: +91-8280047487(Call 9.30AM to 6.00PM, Mon-Sat)

Organized By: ACN

Venue: Chandigarh, India