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Find out here about how could GPS possibly navigate when it’s down.

Words like “tough” or “rugged” are seldom linked with a quantum inertial sensor. The extraordinary scientific equipment can measure motion a thousand times more precisely than the sensors that help pilot today’s missiles, planes and drones. But its delicate, table-sized array of components that includes a complicated laser and vacuum system has mainly kept the technology grounded and restricted to the controlled conditions of a lab.

Jongmin Lee wants to alter that. The atomic physicist is part of a team at Sandia that sees quantum inertial sensors as revolutionary, onboard navigational aids. If the researchers can re-engineer the sensor into a tiny, durable gadget, the technique might securely steer cars when GPS signals are blocked or lost.

In a crucial milestone in realising their goal, the team has successfully created a cold-atom interferometer, a fundamental component of quantum sensors, designed to be considerably smaller and harder than standard lab setups. The team explains its prototype in the scholarly journal Nature Communications, revealing how to merge many traditionally isolated components into a single monolithic framework. In doing so, they shrunk the critical components of a system that resided on a big optical table down to a durable compact approximately the size of a shoebox.

“Very high sensitivity has been established in the lab, but the practical concerns are, for real-world application, that people need to scale down the size, weight and power, and then overcome numerous challenges in a dynamic environment,” Jongmin added.

The study also offers a path for further miniaturising the system by utilising technologies under development. The prototype, supported by Sandia’s Laboratory Directed Research and Development programme, exhibits important gains toward transferring sophisticated navigation tech out of the lab and onto vehicles on the ground, underground, in the air and even in space.

As a jet makes a barrel roll through the sky, existing onboard navigation equipment can monitor the aircraft’s tilts and turns and accelerations to compute its location without GPS, for a period. Small measurement mistakes eventually force a vehicle off course unless it regularly syncs with the satellites, Jongmin added. Quantum sensing would function in the same manner, but the far improved precision would mean onboard navigation wouldn’t need to cross-check its calculations as frequently, decreasing dependency on satellite systems. Roger Ding, a postdoctoral researcher who worked on the experiment, stated, “In theory, there are no manufacturing variances and calibrations,” contrasted to traditional sensors that might alter over time and need to be recalibrated.

Aaron Ison, the main engineer on the project, said to prepare the atom interferometer for a dynamic environment, he and his colleagues chose materials proven in severe conditions. Additionally, pieces that are ordinarily independent and freestanding were merged together and secured in place or were created with manual lockout mechanisms.

“A monolithic construction with as few bolted contacts as feasible was important to building a more durable atom interferometer structure,” Aaron stated.

Furthermore, the researchers utilised industry-standard calculations called finite element analysis to anticipate that any deformation of the system in normal conditions will fall within acceptable limits. Sandia has not undertaken mechanical stress testing or field tests on the new design, so additional study is required to quantify the device’s strength.

“The overall tiny, compact shape naturally leads towards a stronger more durable construction,” Aaron remarked.

Most recent atom interferometry studies employ a set of lasers attached to a huge optical table for stability concerns, Roger added. Sandia’s gadget is fairly tiny, but the team has already come up with significant design enhancements to make the quantum sensors even smaller utilising integrated photonic technologies.

“There are tens to hundreds of components that can be packed on a chip smaller than a cent,” said Peter Schwindt, the chief scientist on the project and a specialist in quantum sensing.

Photonic devices, such as a laser or optical fibre, utilise light to accomplish useful work and integrated devices incorporate many distinct parts. Photonics are utilised frequently in telecommunications, and continuous research is making them smaller and more flexible. With additional advances, Peter estimates the space an interferometer requires may be as low as a few litres. His ambition is to create one the size of a Coke can.

In their study, the Sandia team envisions a future architecture in which most of their laser system is replaced by a single photonic integrated circuit, around eight millimetres on each side. Integrating the optical components into a circuit would not only make an atom interferometer smaller but would also make it more robust by anchoring the components in place.

While the team can’t achieve this now, many of the photonic technologies they require are presently under development at Sandia.

“This is a possible road to very tiny systems,” Roger remarked.

Meanwhile, Jongmin claimed integrated photonic circuits will likely cut costs and enhance scalability for future production.

“Sandia has exhibited an ambitious vision for the future of quantum sensing in navigation,” Jongmin stated.

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