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Empowering 12 Punjab Engineering College Students with Financial Support


The Punjab Engineering College Old Student Association (PECOSA) once again brought together a gathering of esteemed alumni at the grand PEC auditorium for its much-anticipated annual general meeting on a delightful Sunday. The event served as a nostalgic reunion for the past and a hopeful catalyst for the future, drawing in a distinguished crowd of individuals who have left an indelible mark on the world of engineering and beyond. Dr. Baldev Setia, an iconic figure in the field of engineering, graced the event with his presence, alongside the esteemed Dr. Rajesh Kanda, whose contributions have made waves in the world of academia. Dr. Prajapati, renowned for his innovative thinking, and the prominent TC Bali and HS Oberoi were among the luminaries who lent their presence to this remarkable gathering.

The proceedings of the meeting were steered with eloquence by Jorawer Singh, who not only presented the meticulously crafted annual report but also unveiled a promising budget that outlined PECOSA’s vision for the future. In a heartwarming display of solidarity, PECOSA announced financial support for 12 deserving students from the illustrious PEC, ranging from Rs 15,000 to Rs 50,000. These acts of benevolence underscored the enduring commitment of the alumni to the institution that had once shaped their own journeys to success.

As the auditorium echoed with laughter, reminiscences, and ideas, it became evident that this meeting was not just a reunion of old friends but a celebration of a shared purpose. The gathering of 140 alumni, with their diverse accomplishments and experiences, reaffirmed the tight-knit bond that ties PECOSA members together. With more than 25,000 members strong, the association stands as a testament to the enduring legacy of Punjab Engineering College. Managing a substantial corpus of approximately Rs 2.5 crore dedicated to the welfare of needy and deserving students, PECOSA continues to shine as a beacon of hope and support for the next generation of engineers, innovators, and leaders. The annual meeting served as a reminder that the spirit of giving back and fostering excellence is alive and thriving within the PECOSA community, and it promises an even brighter future for aspiring engineers and scholars.

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