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A machine learning algorithm is being used to predict city traffic

A new machine learning algorithm can forecast traffic activity in various city zones. A Complexity Science Hub researcher did this by using data from a major car-sharing firm in Italy as a proxy for total city traffic. Knowing how various metropolitan zones interact, for example, might assist minimise traffic congestion and allow policymakers to respond in a focused manner, such as local development of public transit.

Knowing people’s movement patterns is critical for optimising urban traffic flow. “As urban populations rise, this information might help policymakers create and execute successful transportation policies and inclusive urban planning,” says Complexity Science Hub’s Simone Daniotti.

For example, if the model reveals a nontrivial relationship between two zones, i.e., that individuals travel from one zone to another for various reasons, services that compensate for this interaction might be given. If, on the other hand, the model indicates that there is little activity in a certain place, officials may use that information to invest in infrastructure to alter that.

Model for other cities such as Vienna
A prominent car-sharing firm contributed the data for this research, which included the position of all automobiles in their fleet in four Italian cities (Rome, Turin, Milan, and Florence) in 2017. The information was gathered by repeatedly accessing the service provider’s online APIs, noting the parking position of each vehicle as well as the start and finish timestamps. “With this information, we can determine the origin and destination of each travel,” Daniotti adds.

Daniotti utilised this as a proxy for all city traffic and developed a model that not only provides accurate spatiotemporal forecasting in various metropolitan locations, but also accurate anomaly identification. Anomalies such as strikes and inclement weather, both of which are connected to transportation.

The programme might potentially anticipate traffic patterns in other cities, such as Vienna. “But, this would need sufficient data,” Daniotti notes.

superior than other models
Although there are numerous models that forecast traffic behaviour in cities, “The great majority of prediction models based on aggregated data are unintelligible. Even if a model structure links two zones, they cannot be viewed as an interaction “Daniotti elaborates. This inhibits comprehension of the fundamental systems that regulate individuals’ everyday lives.

The new model is completely interpretable since just a small number of constraints are evaluated and all parameters describe real interactions.

But what is prediction if not interpreted?
“Of course, making forecasts is crucial,” Daniotti says, “but you may make extremely precise predictions, and if you don’t interpret the findings appropriately, you can risk reaching very erroneous conclusions.”

Without understanding the reason why the model is displaying a specific outcome, it is impossible to control for occurrences when the model was not presenting what you anticipated. “Inspecting and comprehending the model helps us, as well as policymakers, avoid drawing incorrect conclusions,” Daniotti explains.

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