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A Hands-on NGS and RNA-Seq Workshop 2023, Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology

The “From Sample to Insight: A Hands-on NGS and RNA-Seq Workshop 2023” is an educational event organized by Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, located in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. The primary objective of this workshop is to offer participants a comprehensive understanding of Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) technology and provide hands-on experience in RNA Sequencing (RNA-Seq) data analysis. This article will delve into the details of the event, including its structure, topics covered, and the contact information for further inquiries.

Event Overview

The workshop is scheduled to take place from the 1st to the 3rd of November 2023 and is tailored to cater to individuals with little or no background in computer science, making it accessible to beginners in the field of NGS data analysis. It is designed to equip participants with essential knowledge and practical skills related to NGS technology, RNA-Seq data analysis, and related concepts.

Event Schedule and Topics

Day 01: Introduction to NGS and Data Analysis

The first day of the workshop will serve as an orientation and introduction to NGS technology and data analysis. Participants will receive insights into the following topics:

  1. Introductory Lecture on NGS: An overview of Next-Generation Sequencing, its significance in modern genomics, and its applications in research.
  2. Hands-on Command Line Usage in Linux: Familiarizing participants with the Linux command line, an essential tool for NGS data analysis.
  3. Introduction to RNA-Seq and Workflow: Understanding the basics of RNA Sequencing and the workflow involved in analyzing RNA-Seq data.
  4. FASTA, FASTQ, and GTF – Formats: An explanation of common file formats used in NGS, including FASTA, FASTQ, and GTF.
  5. Tool Installation and Usage, Data QC: Practical guidance on installing and using relevant tools for NGS data analysis. Emphasis on Quality Control (QC) of sequencing data.
  6. Data Preprocessing: Techniques and steps involved in preprocessing NGS data to ensure data quality and reliability.

Day 02: RNA Alignment and Data Analysis

The second day of the workshop delves deeper into RNA-Seq data analysis:

  1. RNA Alignment Concepts and File Formats: Exploring the concepts of RNA alignment and an introduction to file formats such as SAM, BAM, and BED used in NGS data analysis.
  2. Alignment vs. Assembly vs. K-mer Approaches: Comparing and contrasting alignment, assembly, and k-mer-based approaches in RNA-Seq data analysis.
  3. RNA-Seq Alignment Visualization with IGV: Hands-on experience with the Integrative Genomics Viewer (IGV) for visualizing RNA-Seq alignment data.
  4. Quantification: Understanding and performing quantification of RNA-Seq data, a critical step in gene expression analysis.
  5. Data Normalization and DEG Analysis: Techniques for data normalization and the analysis of Differentially Expressed Genes (DEGs) in RNA-Seq experiments.

Day 03: DEG Visualization and Pathway Analysis

The final day of the workshop focuses on advanced topics related to RNA-Seq data analysis:

  1. DEG Visualization: Visualizing Differentially Expressed Genes (DEGs) to gain insights into gene expression changes between conditions or groups.
  2. DEG Pathway Analysis: Exploring the analysis of gene pathways and biological functions affected by DEGs.

Event Theme: Transcriptomics- Data Analysis

The overarching theme of the event is “Transcriptomics- Data Analysis,” highlighting the importance of analyzing gene expression data obtained through RNA-Seq technology.

Certificates and Contact Information

Certificates of participation or completion are typically provided to participants who attend and complete the workshop. For any inquiries or further information regarding the event, interested individuals can contact the following organizers:

  1. Paul Clinton: Contact Number: 7401339992
  2. Narendran: Contact Number: 7092526805

The “From Sample to Insight: A Hands-on NGS and RNA-Seq Workshop 2023” at Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, is a valuable opportunity for individuals interested in genomics, NGS technology, and RNA-Seq data analysis. With a well-structured curriculum and practical hands-on experience, participants can gain a comprehensive understanding of NGS and its applications in the field of transcriptomics. This workshop aligns with the institute’s commitment to fostering education and skill development in cutting-edge scientific domains.