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6 hot skills you must learn this semester

There is never a bad moment to learn; it happens every day. Any company entrepreneur will almost always respond, “I’m still learning,” if you ask them. Never did it cease. Even then, the start of a new year and a new semester is accompanied by the undeniable want to try something novel. And there is so much one may learn about the constantly changing world of technology that it can sometimes seem frightening and overwhelming.

But don’t worry; we’ve got you covered. Here are six particular abilities that are in high demand right now and that you can master this summer without leaving your house.

  1. C/C++: C/C++ would unquestionably be the national language of programmers if they were to create their own country tomorrow! It is acknowledged on a global scale and has many uses. C++ hasn’t lost any of its significance over the years since it’s still the most reliable tool in a programmer’s arsenal, particularly for high-performance embedded and real-time systems. It is used in gaming, medical equipment, GUI-based applications, and finance (banking and trade).
  1. Effective Business Communication: Your communication abilities are unquestionably the one trait that determines your success, from attending interviews to working in a corporate setting. You become an excellent communicator because to your written and verbal skills, which also enable you to handle pressure well. In order to achieve your professional objectives, your communication skills should reflect how you behave yourself at presentations, business gatherings, and other professional meetings.
  1. Android: The hottest thing in the quickly expanding smartphone sector is Android app development. Owning an app for one’s company has become essential, even in India, where startup culture is expanding quickly. The fact that there are more than one billion Android users and 1.8 million applications available on Google Play demonstrate how pervasive Android is in our daily lives. Â Being an Android specialist has grown essential as companies concentrate more and more on the android market.
  1. Internet of Things (IoT): The corporate sector is using IoT to take their enterprises into unexplored areas. The IoT’s potentially limitless uses are the main justification for becoming an expert in the field. One may design personalised gadgets to update Facebook statuses, tweet replies, measure heart rates, utilise controlled autos, use NFC payment in gyms, etc. IoT is the future of the internet, with major corporations like Google, IBM, and Intel spending billions in it. IoT expertise is now crucial given the government’s recent intention to create smart cities in India as well.
  1. Web development: By the end of 2016, Google India predicts that there will be more than 100 million Indians shopping online. Due to the e-commerce industry’s exponential growth, businesses are always looking for web developers. Depending on your interests and the projects you work on, you may choose to specialise as a front-end, back-end, or even full-stack developer. Knowledge of HTML and PHP is also essential for many other kinds of enterprises. Additionally, as many businesses opt to employ freelance web developers, web development is ideal for you if you like to work for yourself.
  2. Python: What do IoT, analytics, and high-end gaming have in common, you ask? Python is the solution. Your acceptance to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry will be confirmed by learning Python. Super Mario, assistant robots, and remote-controlled automobiles may all be used to build your own fantastical environment. Using a supplementary device like the Raspberry Pi may show you how mundane activities like programming can be made fascinating and enjoyable. Naturally, there are also financial incentives. Big corporations like Google, Yahoo, and IBM, as well as NASA, all utilise Python.

If you are still looking for more career advice, click here.