The Pros and Cons Of Artificial Intelligence

We all have to know the importance of Artificial Intelligence in today’s era. It ranges from a small-town resident’s phone to the big computer screens of an MNC. It is a tool to build and break things at the same time. Here we understand what are the pros and cons of Artificial Intelligence (AI):

Pros of Artificial Intelligence

  • Automation: AI can easily automate repetitive tasks. AI can do everything from responding to emails to performing complex manufacturing tasks. This frees up vast amounts of human labor and they can end up with betterment in life.
  • Error Reduction: AI reduces human error in many different areas of business and life. That’s because AI follows consistent logic and has no feelings that get in the way of analysis. AI doesn’t have attention or distraction problems and is hence able to go without mistakes.
  • Low Risk: AI-powered robots can assist or take over perilous manufacturing, surveillance, and maintenance work so that human workers don’t have to risk life. It has also taken over the work of fraud activities.
  • Faster: AI also detects patterns in numbers, words, and images better than humans. AI finishes your sentences in Gmail because it detects patterns in human writing and knows what comes next.
  • Economic Growth: AI can accelerate revenue growth, create personalized consumer experiences at scale, and drive costs down. It will also generate greater ROI on campaigns and shorten the sales cycle.
  • No Breaks: AI has the ability to work on problems and learn from their solutions all day, every day. The longer and more often AI tackles problems, the smarter and smarter it gets at solving those problems.

Cons Of AI:

  • Needs lots of data: AI is only as good as the amount and quality of data. Many companies need a minimum amount of data to get started using some AI tools. And it has to be high-quality and clean. Trained data scientists are needed either full-time or on a consulting basis to clean and organize data, which can slow down a process.
  • A single error is equal to a huge loss: AI can go wrong. If AI starts making bad or harmful decisions, it could hurt millions of people physically or financially.
  • It can be biased: AI uses data to make decisions and predictions. That data might contain conscious or unconscious bias. If it does, then an AI system could make decisions that discriminate against certain groups or types of people.
  • Takes away a lot of jobs: AI will create and enhance far more jobs than it eliminates. However, the danger is always present that AI will get good enough at tasks to cause widespread job loss.
  • It is expensive: There are AI tools that are affordable for every business. However many of the most advanced systems or custom machine learning models can cost a large amount of money to implement or develop.

Every new invention or breakthrough will have both pros and cons but we as humans need to take care of that and use the positive sides of the invention to create a better world. Some people also say that Artificial intelligence can destroy human civilization if it goes into the wrong hands. But still, none of the AI applications made at that scale can destroy humanity.

Aditi Sharma

Aditi Sharma

Chemistry student with a tech instinct!