Robot Programming

OSAT in Semiconductors

Robotics is, anguishing into words as it conveys, a point of convergence for the strengths of science, technology, and engineering-toward producing machines i.e. robots carrying out some behaviour and actions similar to a human being. For achieving such complex and time-based objectives, robots need to be trained so that they may understand how to respond to changing environments which is possible through robot programming.


Major parts of the robots are actuators(motors), sensors and a computational unit. The computational unit is called brain of the robot, which helps in decision making. Some of the examples of computational units are microcontrollers, Single-board computers, and PLC. Actions of robots are actually based on the program that is running on a microcontroller or a PC.

The actuators (motors) help to move the robot joint in a linear or angular fashion. Actuators are controlled by a motor controller circuit and interface with a microcontroller/PLC (programmable logic controller). Some actuators are directly controlled through a PC’s or SBC (Single Board Computer) USB interface.  Some of the examples of actuators are Servo, Stepper, and DC gear motors. The next component of a robot is a sensor, which helps to provide the state of robot

The common languages are:


It is one of the top contenders when it comes to programming languages apart from Python. Nowadays, Java is being widely taken up by the data community and automation robots to perform machine learning applications.


Python is an interpreter for almost any programming language possible, which with its accessible libraries, will be able to make faster post-process robotic programs, computations, or activations. Benefits of such programs is to let your robot adopt a specific way of moving according to what you want. But unfortunately, such programs are not very good at optimizing the main parts of your robot such as sensors and actuators.

C Language

C/C++ syntax helps in developing a programmable robotic arm. Thus, extending its performance such that it would react to stimuli well and accurately in high complexity environments. Both languages are standard languages in the field of robotics. It can quickly establish a relationship with robot kinematics, motion planning, visualization, and collision detection.


It works as your robotic jack. This is because, with its impeccable open-source programming environment, many robotics researchers, engineers, developers, and programmers can design, test, and simulate the applications needed for the humanoid or autonomous robot intended to make it more versatile and productive. It is a great thing that MATLAB provides a vast tool for forward and inverse kinematics of humanoid or mobile robots in addition to the motion control for mobile robots. It also provides various Algos for trajectory generation and collision tracking.

Most industrial robot applications utilize proprietary languages from their vendors such as ABB and KUKA, programmed from teach pendants of the industrial robots. The uses of ABB industrial robots have been directed using the RAPID programming language. Robotic programming will instil intelligence to make the robot implementing controllers like PID to move joints, automating repeated tasks, making robotic vision applications.

Aditi Sharma

Aditi Sharma

Chemistry student with a tech instinct!