Habits of Class Toppers

habits of class toppers

Ever thought about how certain students seem to breeze through every test and paper assigned to them? What ingredient in their composition makes them so successful? As you aim to become the best student, there are certain positive habits that you should embrace, which would assist you learn more, assist you learn faster, and assist you learn intelligently. Here are habits of class toppers that you must make a part of study:


Excellent scholars never practice ‘procrastination’ in any way. They create realistic academic calendars detailing the topics and deadlines that must be adhered to. Moreover, they plan for each session with concrete and achievable objectives and assess it.

Pomodoro Technique

    The Pomodoro technique is a time management technique developed by Francesco Cirillo starting from the 1980s that uses a timer to break down work into intervals, separated by short breaks. This technique helps to enhance focus that makes studying long and tiresome sessions.

    Active Recall

    Involvement in active recall improves memory network by gauging your capability to access information. Rather than idly going through notes for the umpteenth time, try to remember the essential ideas, which helps one understand better, and reinforces the knowledge for excellent performance in exams.

    Adhere to Adequate Night Rest

    Students following an intense training session are known to have a long and proper night sleep. This helps the body and state of mind assimilate the training and, at the same time, puts the body in readiness for the next training session.

    Take down notes

    The best students do not depend solely on prescribed textbooks and lectures. They prepare their own notes, which highlight the important aspects and principles learned. They use a variety of ways such as mind photographs, index cards, figures, or graphs to ensure that their notes are more visual and easier to memorize.

    Spaced Learning

      The principle of spaced learning review builds on the practice of revisiting materials after prolonged periods to enhance memory conversion. This approach discourages cramming and focuses on how the mind stores knowledge, leading to increased student success.

      Do Not Wait For Motivation

      The practice of the best is to put in effort even on the worst of days. One cannot wait for motivation. Even if you don’t achieve grand results that day, what matters is the effort you put in.

      Revisit solved problems

      Topper students don’t forget what they have learned after solving a problem or completing an assignment. They revisit solved problems and try to understand them from different perspectives and angles. They challenge themselves by applying different methods or techniques to solve the same problem.

      Participate in Study Groups

      Study group participation promotes teamwork and encourages the development of a conducive learning atmosphere. When discussing certain topics, students enhance their knowledge and take advantage of varying viewpoints.


      Most students who graduate at the top of their class do not allow studies to consume them. They have fun and enjoy themselves in the process.

      If you inculcate these habits of class toppers it will surely help you in future.

      Aditi Sharma

      Aditi Sharma

      Chemistry student with a tech instinct!