The Finance Minister of India, Nirmala Sitharaman, has announced that the central government is taking steps to increase the number of engineering seats in the country. This is being done by opening more institutions and increasing the intake capacity of existing ones. The move is aimed at ensuring that more students have access to quality engineering education.
The Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) has proposed to open more engineering colleges in the states. This will be done with the help of the public-private partnership (PPP) model. Under this model, the state governments will provide the necessary infrastructure and the private sector will provide the technical expertise and funding.
The government has also announced that it will increase the intake capacity of existing engineering colleges. This will enable more students to enroll in engineering courses. The government has also set up a panel to look into the issue of quality assurance in engineering education. The panel is tasked with formulating and implementing measures to improve the quality of engineering education in the country.
The government’s move to increase the number of engineering seats will help tackle the shortage of engineering graduates in the country. In recent years, the number of engineering graduates in India has been declining, due to the lack of quality engineering education in the country. The government’s move will ensure that more students have access to quality engineering education so that they can gain the skills and knowledge necessary to be successful in the job market.